Ye Are One With Stoner Creek, mixed media on paper, 135 x 68 inches, 2010–Present. Image courtesy the artist.
Bruce Burris is an artist who has worked in the field of arts and disability culture for over 35 years. Burris has served as founder/director/owner of a number of agencies/programs noted for creating innovative supports which enable people to assume roles of significance in their communities.
Wayne Kusy’s toothpick replica of the Lusitania was made with 193,000 toothpicks. It took him over 2-½ years to build it. I really love his model, and I also like the so very honest valuation of material and time. 193,000 toothpicks, 2-½ years.
For myself it’s a moment during a mountain top removal demonstration. The protesters in celebration have begun congratulating each other over the success of their symbolic activity.
Here… a community center is having an open house. They are showing off their new “media room.” Three new computers have been plugged into the internet for all to use.
We are slogging it out… and counting the victory laps.
Reception: Saturday, July 9: 2–6pm
Venue: c3:initiative
Gallery Hours: Wed–Sat, 12–6pm
7326 N Chicago Ave | Portland
Website: http://bruceburris.weebly.com/
Residence: Corvallis, OR

Ye Are One With Stoner Creek, mixed media on paper, 135 x 68 inches, 2010–Present. Image courtesy the artist.